LLMs hallucinate graphs too! (here prompted for the Karate Club Graph)
I am a researcher at Inria, Brittany, France (ARTISHAU team). I am leading the scientific council of the Société Informatique de France, and I am the president of an association promoting free software for mail/hosting in Brittany.
My current research is auditing and evaluating black-box algorithms and AIs (or links to papers) in the context of of decision-making methods (neural-network models, LLMs, etc). In other words, I am interested in auditability, that is: what can or cannot be audited/evaluated, and how. I co-organized the WAAA workshop on algorithmic audits of algorithms, in an attempt to link several research domains on this societal question.
- Monitoring 2022 elections on YouTube.
- Audited shadow banning pratices by Twitter.
- Atelier “Algorithmes en Boite-Noire”, in 2019.
Recent News
- Interview for the Data Skeptic podcast on “LLMs hallucinte graphs too”, jannuary 2025.
- Interview dans Les Echos “Face à des IA trop humaines, le défi de l’identification” ou en PDF, 12 nov 2024.
- French ANR project starting, on “passive or active monitoring and auditing of models” (4 years duration). Recruiting a PhD candidate and an engineer. More info: bit.ly/PACMAM
Last PCs
- KDD’24: 30TH ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery and data mining
- ECAI’24: 27TH European conference on artificial intelligence
- AIsec’24: 17TH ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security
- ECML/PKDD’24: European Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining
- SDM’24: SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
Selected publications
- Setting the Record Straighter on Shadow Banning, Erwan Le Merrer, Benoît Morgan, Gilles Trédan. In INFOCOM, 2021. PDF
- Remote Explainability faces the bouncer problem, Erwan Le Merrer, Gilles Trédan. In Nature Machine Intelligence, 2020. PDF
- Adversarial Frontier Stitching for Remote Neural Network Watermarking, Erwan Le Merrer, Patrick Perez, Gilles Trédan. In Neural Comput & Applic 32, 9233–9244, 2020. PDF
- Second order centrality: Distributed assessment of nodes criticity in complex networks, AM Kermarrec, E Le Merrer, B Sericola, G Trédan. Computer Communications 34 (5), 619-628, 2011. PDF & code in NetworkX