
  • IEEE NCA 2017 best paper award, for paper “Distributed deep learning on edge-devices: feasibility via adaptive compression”, with Corentin Hardy and Bruno Sericola.
  • Paper co-authors are awarded prize “La recherche 2015”, for work on cold storage, from Eurosys 2014.
  • Prix “Bretagne jeune chercheur” 2011, mention spéciale.



As my main participation to scientific events, I was co-chair of Middleware 2018 industry track, in Rennes, and AlgoTel 2019 program co-chair. Co-organizing WOS with INRIA and Interdigital (ex Technicolor), a workshop on storage, cloud processing and data analytics, in every year Rennes: WOS archive.

I have co-authored 8 granted patents, and around 39 pending demands.

I have contributed to produce a document on “Transparency and audit of algorithms” regarding the GAFAM, for the French DGE. In general, I am broadly interested in the impact of technology on society.
